Rise of the titans – part 5

Its a confusing place to start. “What happened to the other parts?” I hear you ask. Well, everything got very busy so part 2, showing off the force all done, was impossible due to not getting everything all done and so has to be combined with part 3 to make part 5. My maths is sound, no arguing.

So the Legio Aelferrum managed to have all of its parts built and painted and ready to bring death and destruction. A couple of run through trainer games, showed me that speed was useful with warhounds and knights could be a threat. My first game was running through with Coops how to play. 1250 of my forge meant no warlord but 3 warhounds, reaver and knights. Officially it was a Venator maniple but I never remembered those rules so it’s kind of mute.

My second game was against DB with a nicely painted Gryphonicus force and for this game it was 1750 and I used the Dominus maniple with knights protecting everyone else.

I lost the first game but achieved my objective of getting the vital cargo across the table and was foiled with the last shot of the game, destroying a warhounds leg and bringing it down.

The second game was a draw due to distractions, I had a good position but after only turn 3 it would’ve been impossible to call.

Learning points included reactor management being vital, called shots making things tough to work but big reward and sit back warlords with volcanno cannons being stronger than anticipated.

I will do more in depth look at my next game but for now I’m happy to have played with titans and caused others to buy and play with titans too.

Camera sometimes gets perspective wrong, this titan seems very close.

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