The Casual Gamer – Part 3

Last time I talked about the tools of playing a game which for this purpose translates to the army list used. This tool however can be influenced by the subject of this article, which is you… Starter This gamer doesn’t always have to be someone who is new to the hobby. I’d say that really …

Thw Casual Gamer – Part 2

Welcome back to my thoughts on how to approach dipping back in to 9th edition outside of brutal tournament metas’ in a way that won’t lead you to clubbing gaming Seals. Building an army list Especially at the moment the world is not set up for meeting up and gaming and as such a decent …

The Casual Gamer – Part 1

Eradicators. 9th edition of 40k has been dominated by the guys above and they define the style of lists, games and expectations of a unit. Except, I’ve never seen them or used them in the third of a year I’ve been playing. Nor has anyone I know. All this is a horrible set up to …

Rise of the titans – part 5

Its a confusing place to start. “What happened to the other parts?” I hear you ask. Well, everything got very busy so part 2, showing off the force all done, was impossible due to not getting everything all done and so has to be combined with part 3 to make part 5. My maths is …

Rise of the titans-Part 1

I started in the Games Workshop hobby in 1990 by buying a copy of Space Marine from Virgin Megastore in Brighton. Rows of Mark 6 space marines with plastic Rhinos and Land Raiders in all their 6mm glory and the forces grew from there. My birthday saw me buy the pack of 6 bettle back …

Mortis Sector Crusade: June 2019

Hi all, Making use of the blog to give people an idea of my thoughts going in to the event. I’m looking at having some closer ties between this one and November (which will be the 10th 40k one) but I need to see what I can resource together. So the scenarios are still being …

Battle Report: Dark Eldar vs Tau 2k

First battle report on the hammertime blog. Me vs Minion in a big game of 8th edition 40k. We had arranged to play a few games while my better half was out for the day, interspersed with looking after and getting lovely smile and cuddles with baby girl (who also gave out tactical advice and …