How I learned to stop worrying (about balance) and love the choom.

Hello. 2021, and ‘tis the season for hobby blogs apparently. So here’s mine. I think its fair to say our group runs the gamut of the hobbyist. Be it the hobby butterfly, the collector, the casual gamer, the competitive gamer (with a small “c”) and golden demon level painter etc I flit between a few …

The Casual Gamer – Part 3

Last time I talked about the tools of playing a game which for this purpose translates to the army list used. This tool however can be influenced by the subject of this article, which is you… Starter This gamer doesn’t always have to be someone who is new to the hobby. I’d say that really …

Thw Casual Gamer – Part 2

Welcome back to my thoughts on how to approach dipping back in to 9th edition outside of brutal tournament metas’ in a way that won’t lead you to clubbing gaming Seals. Building an army list Especially at the moment the world is not set up for meeting up and gaming and as such a decent …