The coming of Chaos

This is not a statement about the organisation of the hobby area in the lean to, or the general debris that is wonderfully caused by having a 4 month old in the house, this is about it being 2019 and therefore, new year, new army.

I have dabbled with Chaos Marines a couple of times. An army forged with the unholy tome that was 3.5 and it didn’t suit me but had some crazy combos and some nice conversion stuff for a Black Legion force. Then there was an Alpha Legion force when there were no rules for them, but created as part of my on going 40k campaign with the old infiltrate rules added in. This time I wanted to bring back a colour scheme I had trialed for a renegade chapter, Death Wolves.

I liked the idea of an off purple similar to the old Necron Abyss foundation paint and then white used as a sinister second colour. I remember one of the Eisenhorn books describing the daemonhosts white light as evil. I wanted Renegades so I had more creative freedom and I liked the speed element of the rules.

I’ve always liked the Possessed units and the elite nature of Chosen also allowed for lots of cool conversions and weapon fits so they were in too. Keeping with the daemonic theme seemed to make sense to have the daemon engines as part of it as well as the Decimator I had for my slaanesh daemon force. Finally this linked the speed element of the marines with the Slaanesh daemons so marks of Slaanesh all round.

So far there’s a basic 5 Chaos Marines, 2 Chosen units, 2 Possesed units, a Rhino, Forgefiend, Sorceror and an Exalted Champion using one of the Gol Vorbak models.

Games and base colours should follow in Feb and I will add in information here as it’s created.

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