An update on the nasty Dark Eldar painting project, including the planes I forgot last time.
Dark Eldar vehicles for me are lovely models and look visually stunning as blocks of hard edged colours, but also highlights for me two of my long standing painting weaknesses, repetition of neat painting (lots of lines) and painting exposed crew (so Orks as my other force also with open topped vehicles really is dumb).
The Razorwing has always done well for me and the the recent Voidraven has proved good in the couple of games by allowing me some strength 9 shots as well as mortal wound threat.
I enjoyed the Mandrakes, partly as I had no clue how I wanted them to look but often take those times as an opportunity to use some paints that haven’t been out the box for a bit. Ulthuan Grey, purple shade and back up to white gave me effective startling skin and Incubi Darkness with some Sybarite Green gave a nice dark contrast on the cloth.
So there are 13 days left of December and I have 12 Hellions to paint for the army to be done. I also have games to play next Saturday against some Tau so some nice reasons to get them done.
Updates of painting and games shall zoom in soon…ish.
I recognize those mandrakes! I think…