End of year approaches and I’ve been distracted from hobby with the arrival of baby in the house. She’s so lovely that she’s even ahead of plastic and resin in my affections…don’t tell the armies.
But with a desire to use the little “me time” that I do have for a purpose I set about finishing off some loose ends of the Dark Eldar force I have.
There’s about 6k in total but most is three colour basic so it’s been nice to bring some of the other bits up a few notches and paint up the Court of Archon models, Succubus and Mandrakes that have all been added recently. (there’s a Voidraven too but I forgot that)
So for the end of year I will finish these, add a bit more to a unit of Scourges and then a unit of Hellions to finish. That’s over 2k fully painted and then the new year can see me start painting my new force.